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Burnout syndrome and cardiovascular somatic symptoms in nurses from a health facility in the Distrito Federal

EnfermerasClara Ivette Hernández Vargas
Arturo Juárez García
Elena  Hernández Mendoza
José Antonio Ramírez Páez

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Burnout syndrome and cardiovascular somatic symptoms in nurses from a health facility in the Distrito Federal

Introduction: Burnout syndrome is relatively often present in personnel who work in health facilities as an affective psycho- social response of showing oneself emotionally exhausted; it is manifested through negative attitudes and feelings toward workers. Cardiovascular diseases are de most significant among the produced physical alterations.

Objectives: 1) To identify the level of Burnout Syndrome within a group of nurses in a health facility in the Distrito Federal; 2) To determine the relation between Burnout Syndrome, cardiovascular somatic symptoms, and blood pressure measurements. Methodology: In 109 nurses Bournout score was assessed through Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBIG-S) Core ver- sion with two subscales: emotional tiredness(0.85) and deperso- nalization (0.78); a questionnaire of cardiovascular symptoms and a protocol of estimated points of blood pressure at work. Results: 67{20a60b73a1cda07ce2433237b967754d6e53d5d16fc2e14f7e109f91f7e5e586} of nurses were predominant with medium Burnout score; low and high levels were represented with 19{20a60b73a1cda07ce2433237b967754d6e53d5d16fc2e14f7e109f91f7e5e586} and 14{20a60b73a1cda07ce2433237b967754d6e53d5d16fc2e14f7e109f91f7e5e586} respectively. It was obtained a significant correlation (r=348 p≤=0.01) between the cardiovascular symptoms and Bournout syndrome, as well as with the component of emotional tiredness (r=374 p≤=0.01). The relation between blood pressure and Burnout Syndrome it did not show significance.

Conclusions: The significant relation between cardiovascular symptoms and Burnout syndrome showed subjectively a first manifestation of cardiovascular disea- se which can be physically exposed latter. In the case of emotional tired- ness and cardiovascular symptoms, a hypothesis is founded: as long as phy- sical and emotional tiredness are per- ceived in and by working, there is an increment in presence of cardiovas- cular disease.

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